1796 05 17 : Letter with news from Kirkoswald
Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 10:15PM
Petra Mitchinson in DIXON, Forestry, Kirkoswald, Letters, OLDMAN Jonathan, THOMPSON

Update on Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 10:17PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

17 May 1796. LETTER WITH NEWS FROM KIRKOSWALD. Bundle 61, Doc 35. 22.5 cm x 19 cm. Black seal with corresponding hole where it was torn open. Scribbled calculation on the back not transcribed. John DIXON abt. Lath Wood 17. [corrected from 27] May 1796 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. OLDMAN Edenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Yesterday Ic. THOMPSON & me mark’d. most of the useful Wood cut in the different fields, I find we are rather short yet especially for Ribs – they are not peeling this day, if Convenient to you would wish to begin at Baronwood on Thursday Morning as it must take three days at least owing to the great quantity of Laths wanting – I dont. see why good wood (tho’ not quite so fine as commonly used for Laths) may not answer the same purpose if they were sawn into proper thicknesses instead of Riving –– I’ve told Alex: abt. the Plan & book but he has not got them yet, Pray what is yr. Opinion abt. a passage between the Kitchen & Parlour at Fogclose I fear the West wind will make a very cold Kitchen if there be none & an Addition of 3 feet to the present plan (which the lengths of Timber will answer) I think would make it sufficient for that Purpose –– The Peelers will be at work tomorrow & your Answer this day abt. going to Baron wood will greatly oblige yr. H’ble Servt. [signed] Ino. DIXON Kirkosd. Tuesday morning

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