1787 05 12 : Letter from Blackhall about renting land
Friday, July 1, 2011 at 9:13PM
Petra Mitchinson in Blackhall, DOBSON Christopher, HOLMES, LITTLE, Letters, Rents and fines, STORY

Update on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 9:14PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

12 May 1787. LETTER FROM BLACKHALL ABOUT RENTING LAND. Bundle 60, Doc 34. 20.5 cm x 16 cm. Remains of a red seal and large hole with loss of some writing where it was torn open. Damp staining. John STORY 12 May 1787 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Mr. DOBSON at Eden Hall by Mr HOLOMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Blac[kha]ll the 12 May 1787 Sir I hav wa[ ] Mr. LITTLE with the Court paper and [ret]urn bak to you. I hoop you Ould Rew mind last week with my Offer for the tyith for seven years I dout forty pound a year is mor then I can mack of it as the taxess coms hie for the poor I hoop you will not tyie me in less but to have lebrty to let of a feild to them that will not plow wihout thay can tak the tyith low but I wish to bring the tyith all hoom as it ancers best for manuer for my farm if I can mack the Rent of it that ways you tould me when I took my farm first that I was to pay Eight pound ayear for the tyith that will be hi for it as I entend to gras mor sheep then I have don befor as it ancers best that way I hoop you will do all you can for me about the tyith and let me no scoun about it will mutch Oblige you Humble Sarvnt [signed] John STORY

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