1672 05 03 : WHARTON / HUTTON letter to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 1:28PM
Petra Mitchinson in Carlisle, Edenhall, HUTTON, MUSGRAVE Philip 2nd Bart., Marriage, WHARTON, Yorkshire


Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 5:22PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

03 May 1672. WHARTON / HUTTON LETTER TO SIR PHILIP MUSGRAVE. Letter to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE 2nd Bart., jointly signed by Sir Thomas WHARTON and Richard HUTTON of Goldsborough Hall in Yorkshire, asking him to advise on the proposed marriage of their children. Sir Thomas WHARTON was Sir Philip’s first cousin. Richard HUTTON was probably Sir Philip’s wife’s nephew. Of the three documents offered for sale on eBay together with this letter, only one was scanned partially, and they could therefore not be transcribed. May 3d: Sr: T: W: and Mr: HUTT: of Gouldsbrough and some notes in that affaire ~ / For Sr: Philip MUSGRAVE Gouvernour of Carlisle att his house att Eden Hall To be sent from the post house att post payed Penrith with speed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr Your two subscribing kinsmen, friends, and servants, having great inclynations to come to a new alyance by the mariadge of our onely children, and not knowing any person who loves us and ours better then your selfe, have resolved upon the desiring that you wil be pleased to come unto this place at your first and best conveniensy, to heare what shal be proposed and desired by either of us as to the compleating of this match, and to determine if any thing of discent should arise (which we suppos wil not) But if your occations will not permit your Yorkshire friends the honnor of your compagny in thes parts the begining of this summer, that then you wil pleas to aquaint us when we may with most conveniensy to you, waite upon you at Eden Hall, for the concluding this buysines, which we are confident wil be satisfactory to you, whoe have alwayes been kinde, and obliging, to, Sr: your humble and faithful servants Goldesbrough [signed] Thomas WHARTON May ye 3d. 1672 [signed] Ri HUTTON

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